

Sound studio Deyoso, hereafter mentioned as Deyoso, permits access to www.deyoso.eu. On this website Deyoso publishes texts, sound bites and other matters. Deyoso reserves the right to modify its content or to delete parts at any time, without prior notice.

Information provided on www.deyoso.eu is non committal and not intended as a concrete offer in order to reach an agreement. Agreements are only validated, upon accepting an offer specified as such by Deyoso.

Limited liability

Services on www.deyoso.eu are offered without any form of guarantee or claim to correctness. Materials can change at any moment, without prior notice.

Deyoso expressly declines all liability due to error or omission in the information contained in the pages of www.deyoso.eu. No agreement can ever be based on such errors or omissions.


Contents provided by www.deyoso.eu are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights and exclusively held by Deyoso, unless stated as such specifically and/or authorized by artists and/or photographers.

Reproduction, distribution or any other use of Deyoso-content is prohibited without explicit previous authorization in writing by Deyoso, barring and only if stated otherwise in stipulations of imperative law (e.g. quotation right), unless indicated otherwise in the case of specific materials.

Soundstudio Deyoso  |  Tel. 0031 (0)492 820222  |  E-mail: studio@deyoso.eu  | Kvk Den Bosch 16080802  |  Disclaimer

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